Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Valentine

Got an early wake up this morning from my valentine who got into bed with us and took great joy in poking me in the face with her finger and kicking me with her foot. The top picture is of her last Valentines Day. She has changed a lot in a year.

On Monday evening after chapel, i was downstairs doing some work on the computer and Tanya and the Kids were upstairs watching TV. Tanya and Isaac were engrossed in the Anna Nicole Smith Saga or something on TV, Eva, untied the gate and came downstairs to see me. She is a cagey one.

I'm feeling really old this week. At Chapel monday, we were in a restaurant and they were playing some elevator music and the guys started saying " Hey it's that song... It goes like ... it's just the way it is..." and they were trying to figure who it was and the title. I piped up, its' Bruce Hornsby and the Range and the title is actually, it's just the way it is. They looked at me like I had 3 heads and then one pipes up, Tupoq , it's tupoq that sings this song. Aparently some rap hip hop dude named tupoq re recorded It's just the way it is from Hornsby. Of course they've never even heard of Bruce Hornsby... I am old.
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